Make Your Smile Flaws Vanish With Dental Veneers

Like porcelain veneers, we can apply composite dental veneers to the front surfaces of your teeth to conceal flaws in your smile such as:

  • Stained teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Crooked teeth

Whether you choose composite dental veneers or porcelain veneers, you’ll be amazed at how much better your smile can look!

The first step in determining which type of dental veneer is right for you is a consultation with Dr. Walter Hadley in our Kennewick, WA dentist office. To find out more about dental veneers & other cosmetic dentistry services, call Marineland Dental Care at 509-783-7349.

Dental Veneers Offer Alternative To Other Cosmetic Treatments

Dental veneers can correct many of the same issues as other cosmetic dental treatments – in some cases with less hassle & expense. Dr. Hadley can advise you as to whether a veneer is an appropriate solution for you. For instance, while dental veneers can cover minor cracks, a badly cracked tooth will need a dental crown.

Dental veneers can be an alternative to:

  • Dental crowns. Veneers require less alteration to your own teeth than crowns do.
  • Teeth whitening. Whitening removes extrinsic stains, like those you get from smoking or drinking coffee. But veneers are a better choice to cover intrinsic stains that do not respond to whitening treatments, like those that can result from certain medications.
  • Orthodontics. While veneers can’t correct bite or alignment issues, they can conceal crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, & other cosmetic issues.

Choosing Composite Dental Veneers

Composite dental veneers offer a natural appearance, but they will not look as much like your own teeth as porcelain veneers. They do offer several advantages, though, including:

  • Cost. Composite is less expensive than porcelain.
  • Less alteration of teeth. Dr. Hadley won’t have to modify your teeth as much for composite dental veneers as he would for porcelain veneers.
  • Flexibility. Though composite resin isn’t as durable as porcelain, it is more flexible. So composite dental veneers can be repaired if they are damaged. In contrast, damaged porcelain veneers must be replaced.
  • Speed. Dr. Hadley may be able to place your composite veneers in a single visit to our Kennewick, WA dentist office. Porcelain veneers require at least two appointments.

Ready to hide your smile flaws? Call Marineland Dental Care at 509-783-7349 to make an appointment or use our online form.

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